450 g sweetbreads, rinsed and soaked in cold water for two hours

1 small onion, skinned and chopped

1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped

few parsley stalks

1 bay leaf

salt and pepper

40 g butter or margarine

60 ml flour

300 ml milk

squeeze of lemon juice

chopped fresh parsley, to garnish

  1. Put the sweetbreads, vegetables, herbs and seasoning in a saucepan with water to cover and simmer gently for about 15 minutes, until the sweetbreads are tender. Drain, reserving 300 ml of the cooking liquid, and keep hot.

  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour and cook gently for 1 minute, stirring. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the milk and cooking liquid. Bring to the boil and continue to cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens. Season and add a squeeze of lemon juice.

  3. Add the sweetbreads to the sauce and simmer gently for 5 – 10 minutes. Garnish with parsley.
    Serves 4



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