1.6 – 1.8 kg pickled ox tongue

1 medium onion, skinned

1 medium carrot, peeled

4 celery sticks

30 ml wine vinegar

2 bay leaves

12 black peppercorns

5 ml gelatine

  1. The day before, scrub and rinse the tongue under cold water. Place in a large bowl, cover with cold water and leave to soak overnight. Drain the tongue, then roll into a neat shape and secure with a skewer. Wrap in a single thickness of muslin, tying the ends together.

  2. Next day, place the tongue in a large saucepan. Cover the cold water and bring to the boil. Boil for 1 minute only. Drain the tongue, rinse with cold water, then cover with fresh water. Thickly slice the vegetables and add to the pan with the vinegar, bay leaves and peppercorns. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for about 4 hours.

  3. Lift the tongue on to a large plate, reserving the cooking liquid. Unwrap, ease out the skewer and use to pierce the thickets piece of flesh; if it slips in easily, the tongue is cooked.

  4. Place the tongue in a colander and rinse with cold water until cool enough to handle. This will help to loosen the skin. Using a sharp knife, make a shallow slit along the underside. Peel the skin off in strips, starting from the tip end. Ease out the bones and gristle lying at the base.

  5. Tightly curl the warm tongue and fit into a 15 cm deep-sided soufflé dish or non-stick cake tin. It is important for the finished look of the tongue that it fits tightly into the container.

  6. Strain the stock, reserving 600 ml. pour into a saucepan and boil rapidly to reduce to 150 ml. meanwhile, pour 30 ml water into a small bowl and sprinkle over the gelatine. Soak for 10 minutes, then spoon the gelatine into the stock; stir gently and cool.

  7. Gently pour the stock over the tongue. Put a small plate that will just fit inside the soufflé dish on top of the tongue. Put weights on the plate and chill overnight.

  8. Lift the weights off the tongue and then ease off the plate. To release the tongue, run a blunt-edged knife around the inside of the dish, then immerse the base and sides in hot water for a few seconds only. Invert on to a serving plate, shaking well to release the tongue. Slice the tongue for serving.
    Serves 10 – 12 



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