50 g butter or margarine

1 medium onion, skinned and chopped

125 g mushrooms, wiped and chopped

125 g streaky bacon, rinded and chopped

2.5 ml (1/2 level tsp) dried sage or thyme

225 g fresh breadcrumbs

finely grated rind of 1 lemon

salt and pepper

1 egg, beaten

8 lamb’s hearts, washed and trimmed

60 ml (4 level tbsp) flour

30 ml vegetable oil

300 ml Chicken Stock

45 ml (3 tbsp) sherry

  1. Melt half the butter in a saucepan and cook the onion, mushroom and bacon until browned. Remove from the heat and stir in the herb, breadcrumbs, lemon rind and seasoning. Bind with the egg.

  2. Fill the hearts with the stuffing and sew up neatly with string cotton.

  3. Toss the hearts in the flour and brown well in the remaining butter and oil in a flameproof casserole. Pour over the stock and sherry, season well and bring to the boil.

  4. Cover the casserole and cook in the oven at 150°C mark 2 for about 2 hours or until tender.

  5. To serve, slice the hearts and pour over the juices.
    Serves 8



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