BEEFBURGERS (Hamburgers)

450 g lean beef, e.g. chuck, shoulder or rump steak, minced

½ a small onion

salt and pepper

melted butter or oil for coating or a little fat for shallow frying

  1. Mix the minced beef well with the onion, if using, and a generous amount of salt and pepper. Shape lightly into 4 – 8 round flat patties.

  2. To cook, brush sparingly with melted butter or oil and grill for 4 – 6 minutes for small burgers and 8 – 10 minutes for larger, turning once, or fry in a little fat in a frying pan, turning them once and allowing the same amount of time.
    Note: Hamburgers can be served rare or well done, according to personal preference, hence the variation in cooking time.

    Serves 4

Traditionally, beefburgers contain no other ingredients, but they can be varied by adding any of the following when combining the mixture:

- 50 – 100 g grated cheese

- 15 ml sweet pickle

- 5 – 10 ml prepared mustard

- 5 ml dried mixed herbs



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