4 veal escalopes, weighing about 450 g

60 ml seasoned flour

50 g butter or margarine

10 ml tomato puree

60 ml sherry

100 ml red wine

50 g mushrooms, sliced

2.5 ml (1/ level tsp) dried mixed herbs

60 ml single cream

salt and pepper

225 g tomatoes, skinned and chopped

50 g mature Cheddar cheese, grated

  1. Flatten each escalope between two sheets of damp greaseproof paper, than coat in seasoned flour.

  2. Melt 25 g of the butter in a frying pan and fry the escalopes gently for 3 – 5 minutes on each side, the remove and keep warm.

  3. Add the remaining flour to the frying pan, stir in the tomato puree, sherry and wine and bring the mixture slowly to the boil. Add the mushrooms, herbs and the cream. Season and cook very gently for about 5 minutes, without boiling.

  4. Heat the remaining butter in a pan, add the tomatoes and heat through. Pour the tomato mixture into a shallow ovenproof dish, arrange the meat on top, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with the cheese and brown under the grill.
    Serves 4



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