1.4 kg piece of bone unsalted silverside

2 medium carrots, peeled

2 medium parsnips, peeled

2 medium onions, skinned and thickly sliced

3 celery sticks, washed and thickly sliced

2 small turnips, peeled and thickly sliced

25 g lard or dripping or 30 ml vegetable oil

75 g streaky bacon rashers, rinded and chopped

1 bay leaf

salt and pepper

150 ml Beef Stock

150 ml cider

15 ml (1 level tbsp) arrowroot

chopped fresh parsley, to garnish

  1. Tie up the meat to form a neat joint. Cut the carrots and parsnips into slices about 1 cm thick, halving them if large.

  2. Heat the fat in a 3.4 litre deep flameproof casserole. Add the bacon and fry until it begins to brown. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and reserve.

  3. Reheat the fat in the casserole for a few seconds. Brown the meat all over, turning it with long handled spoons. When browned evenly, remove from casserole and keep warm.

  4. Add the vegetables to the pan and fry over a high heat. Add the bacon pieces and bay leaf to the vegetables and season well. Place the joint in the centre of the bed of vegetables.

  5. Pour the stock and cider into the casserole. Bring to the boil. Fit a piece of kitchen foil over the meat and vegetables to form a ‘tent’. Cover the dish with a close-fitting lid.

  6. Cook in the oven at 160-170°C mark 2-3 for 2-2 ½ hours. Halfway through the cooking time, turn the joint over and re-cover firmly. After 2 hours test the meat – if done a fine skewer will glide easily and smoothly into the joint.

  7. Lift the joint on to a board and cut into slices no more than 5 mm thick. Remove the vegetables from the casserole and place on a shallow, warmed serving dish. Arrange the meat across the top, cover with foil and keep warm in a low oven.

  8. Mix the arrowroot to a smooth paste with 45 ml water. Skim of excess fat from the juices. Off the heat, stir the paste in to the juices, return to the heat then bring slowly to boil, stirring. Boil for 1 minute, then adjust the seasoning. Spoon a little gravy over the meat and sprinkle with parsley. Serve the rest of the gravy separately.
    Serves 6



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