This dish is cooked at the table with each guest cooking their own share of the meat.

700 g fillet or rump steak, trimmed of excess fat and cut into 2.5 cm cubes

vegetable oil for deep frying

Spicy Cheese and Tomato, Mustard and Blue Cheese dips

1 onion or shallot, finely chopped

finely chopped fresh parsley

chutney (optional)

gherkins (optional)

French bread, cubed

  1. Arrange the steak on individual plates.

  2. Fill a fondue dish one-third full of oil and heat on a fondue burner on the table to 190°C.

  3. Put the remaining ingredients in individual dishes or bowls.

  4. Give each guest a two-pronged fondue fork for spearing the meat cubes, which they cook in the hot oil for a few minutes. The cooked meat is then dipped into one of the dips and served with the remaining ingredients.
    Serves 4



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