6 veal chops, weighing about 175 g each, trimmed

finely grated rind of 2 lemons

90 ml lemon juice

150 ml dry vermouth

1 large garlic clove, skinned and crushed

salt and pepper

225 g fresh spinach, trimmed

50 g butter or margarine

2.5 ml (1/2 level tsp) grated nutmeg

45 ml vegetable oil

1 egg, hard boiled and finely chopped

bunch of spring onions, trimmed and shredded

  1. Place the chops in a large shallow dish. Whisk together the lemon rind and juice, vermouth, garlic and seasoning and pour over the chops. Cover and marinate in a cool place overnight.

  2. Wash the spinach well in several changes of cold water. Put in a saucepan with just the water that clings to the leaves, cover and cook for 3 – 4 minutes. Drain well in a colander, pressing the spinach with the back of a wooden spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. Finely chop.

  3. Sauté the spinach with 25 g butter and the nutmeg for 1 – 2 minutes to dry off any excess moisture. Transfer to a bowl. Cold and cover.

  4. Remove chops from marinade, drain and pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper. Heat oil with the remaining butter in a large pan until foaming. Brown the chops well on both sides, one or two at a time. Place in a single layer in one or two shallow ovenproof dishes.

  5. Pour the marinade into the pan. Bring to the boil, stirring any sediment from the base. Strain over the chops. Cover tightly and cook in the oven at 180°C mark 4 for about 50 minutes, or until chops are tender.

  6. Transfer to chops to a warmed serving dish and keep warm. Puree the spinach mixture with the reserved pan juices in a blender or food processor until smooth. Pour into a small saucepan and simmer gently for 5 – 10 minutes, until hot.

  7. Garnish the chops with the chopped egg and spring onion. Serve the puree separately.
    Serves 6



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