WIENER SCHNITZEL (Fried Veal Escalopes)

4 veal escalopes, weighing about 450 g

salt and pepper

1 egg, beaten

150 g fresh breadcrumbs

75 g butter or margarine

30 ml vegetable oil

8 anchovy fillets, drained and halved (optional)

1 egg, hard-boiled and the yolk and white chopped separately (optional)

lemon slices and capers, to garnish

  1. Flatten each escalope thinly between two sheets of damp greaseproof paper.

  2. Season the meat, then coat in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, pressing the crumbs on well.

  3. Heat the butter and oil in a large frying pan fry the escalopes, two at a time, for 3 – 5 minutes each side, until golden. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper and keep warm whilst cooking the remaining escalopes.

  4. Serve garnished with the anchovy fillets, egg, if using, the lemon slices and capers.
    Serves 4



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