350 g whiting fillets

150 ml dry white wine

salt and pepper

75 g butter or margarine

125 g spring onions, trimmed and chopped

75 g long grain white rice

1.25 ml (1/4 level tsp) dried dill weed

125 g small button mushrooms, wiped and quartered

213 g can red salmon, drained

3 eggs, hard-boiled and chopped

30 ml lemon juice

225 g Puff Pastry or 368 g packet frozen puff pastry, thawed

1 egg, lightly beaten

lime wedges and parsley sprigs, to garnish

  1. Place the whiting in a shallow saucepan. Pour over the wine with 150 ml water, season and bring to the boil. Cover and poach gently for 5-8 minutes or until tender, then strain and reserve the juices. Flake the fish and place in a large bowl, discarding skin and any bones.

  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onions and fry until lightly browned. Stir in the rice with the reserved fish juices, dill weed and seasoning. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the mushrooms and cook until the rice is tender and the liquid absorbed.

  3. Flake the salmon, discarding any skin and bone. Combine the salmon, eggs, whiting and rice mixture. Stir in the lemon juice and adjust the seasoning; allow to cool.

  4. Roll on third of the pastry to an oblong about 35.5 cm x 15 cm and place on a large baking sheet. Spoon the filling down the centre of pastry, leaving a 2.5 cm strip round the edge. Dome the filling up well-the finished koulibiac should look high and narrow.

  5. Brush the rim of pastry with beaten egg. Roll out the remaining dough to a rectangle 43 cm x 23 cm and wind loosely round a floured rolling pin. Unroll over filling and press edges well together. Neaten them with a sharp knife, leaving a 2.5 cm pastry rim all round.

  6. Roll cut edges inwards, and press firmly. Mark new edge at regular intervals with the back of a knife. Chill for at least 30 minutes.

  7. Add a pinch of salt to the beaten egg and use to glaze the pastry. Bake in the oven at 220°C mark 7 for 35 minutes or until well browned. Serve hot, garnished with parsley sprigs and lime wedges.
    Serves 6-8



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