450 g haddock, cod or coley fillets

300 ml milk

1 bay leaf

6 black peppercorns

onion slices for flavouring

salt and pepper

65 g butter or margarine

45 ml flour

150 ml single cream

2 eggs, hard-boiled, shelled and chopped

30 ml chopped fresh parsley

90 ml milk

900 g potatoes, cooked and mashed

1 egg, beaten, to glaze

  1. Put the fish in a frying pan, pour over the milk and add the bay leaf, peppercorns, onion slices and a good pinch of salt. Bring slowly to the boil, cover and simmer for 6-8 minutes, until the fish flakes when tested with a fork.

  2. Lift the fish out of the pan using a fish slice and place on a plate. Flake the fish, discarding the skin and bone. Strain and reserve the milk.

  3. Melt 40 g butter in saucepan, stir in the flour and cook gently for 1 minute, stirring. Remove the pan from the head and gradually stir in the reserved milk. Bring to the boil slowly and continue to cook, stirring until the sauce thickens. Season.

  4. Stir in the cream and fish together with any juices. Add the chopped egg and parsley and adjust the seasoning. Spoon the mixture into a 1.1 litre pie dish or similar ovenproof dish.

  5. Heat the milk and remaining butter in a saucepan, then beat into the potato on top and roughen the surface WİTH A FORK.

  6. Place the dish on a baking sheet and cook in the oven at 200°c mark 6 for 10-15 minutes or until the potato is set.

  7. Beat the egg with a good pinch of salt the brush over the pie. Return to the oven for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.
    Serves 4



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