450 g whiting, pike or brill fillets, skinned and bones removed

1 egg white

1 quantity of Choux Pastry, chilled

salt and pepper

150 ml double cream

18 fresh cooked prawns (in the shell)

100 g butter

150 ml dry white wine

30 ml flour

  1. Mince the fish twice, using to finest blade of the mincer, or puree in a blender or food processor. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  2. Place the fish mixture in a large bowl placed in a saucepan of iced water. Break up the egg white with o fork. Beat into the fish, a little at a time, using a wooden spoon or electric hand mixer and keep the mixture stiff. Steady the bowl with one hand to prevent any iced water splashing into it.

  3. Gradually at the choux paste, beating well between each addition. Add 2.5 ml salt and plenty of pepper, then beat into the fish with 60 ml cream, a little at a time. The mixture should be the consistency of creamed cake mixture. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

  4. Meanwhile, twist the heads off the prawns and discard them. Carefully ease the body shell and any roe away from the prawn flesh. Reserve the prawns for garnish. Pound shells and roes with 50 g butter until well mixed, using a pestle and mortar or the end of a rolling pin in a strong bowl. Sieve the prawn butter to remove the shells. Cover and refrigerate with the prawns.

  5. Pour 900 ml water into a large frying pan and add the wine with 1.25 ml (1/4 level tsp) salt. Bring to the boil. Using two with dessertspoons, shape the quenelle mixture into ovals and push them gently out of the spoons into the simmering liquid. Add sufficient quenelle shapes to half fill the pan; they will swell on cooking.

  6. Cover the pan and simmer very gently for 10-12 minutes. Do not boil or the quenelles will break up. When the quenelles are well puffed up and firm to the touch, lift them out of the pan using slotted spoons. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper, then transfer to a warm serving dish, cover and keep warm while poaching the remaining quenelles.

  7. Boil the cooking liquid until reduced to 250 ml. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour and   cook gently for 1 minute, stirring. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually stir in the reduced stock.

  8. Bring to the boil slowly and continue to cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the remaining cream, then whisk in the prawn butter. Reheat gently without boiling. Adjust seasoning. Spoon over the quenelles. Garnish with prawns.

    Serves 6 as a starter, 4 for a mean meal



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