Super Veggie Juice with a bang

“A healthy and flavorful fresh juice to help you load up on those servings of veggies that may otherwise be difficult to consume. Add some ginger for a little kick. It’s better if they’re all chilled before juicing or shake the juice in a cocktail shaker with some ice just to chill, then strain the ice out before drinking.”


  • 2 large

    carrots, ends trimmed

  • 2 large

    celery stalks

  • 1/2


  • 1/4

    green bell pepper

  • 1/4


  • 1/2 teaspoon

    chopped fresh ginger



  • Starting the carrots, celery , beets, green bell pepper, apple , ginger through a juicer and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Super Veggie Juice with a bang


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